Thursday, July 31, 2008

is that a smile or...?

just because

no reason for this pic, but it is the last day of the month- doesn't that count?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

1 week old

so it is safe to say that the doctor's office made your short list along with the sponge bath.... 7 pounds 1 ounce. you were 6 pounds 13 ounces the day you left the hospital. there is no arguing with your appetite.

Monday, July 28, 2008

swim like a fish

andrew loves his swim lessons- he loves to dive under (or go under) he can't seem to figure out how to kick his legs & arms if you let go of him, he just kind of sinks. his brother is just the opposite- he doesn't really like swim lessons & is as stiff as a board.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

army men

somehow we have a sudden army fettish- it started at the outlets, good thing for a clearance rack....

5 days old

no reason for this pic other than you are 5 days old today- & so cute...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

first outing

We took you on your fist outing today. we went to the outlet centers in aroura. i think i spent more time sitting on a bench feeding you than i did in the stores, but your daddy might disagree... anyways for some reason you don't look very comfortable in your seat...

Friday, July 25, 2008

first (sponge) bath

Well, we haven't even gotten started & you already decided that you don't care much for this...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mommy & me

your brother is so excited- he wants to hold you all of the time. in the hospital he was glued to the nurse as she gave you your first bath, asking all kinds of questions. here we are at home & tyler is practicing holding you...

going home

you are so tiny compared to your seat- you have a pretty little dress on that gets a bit lost in this picture

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome to the world

well you aren't very happy to have made you appearance & you aren't afraid of letting it be known. you greeted us with screaming that lasted for over 1/2 of an hour, until mom was able to feed you. you are beautiful with a full head of hair, great lungs & perfect coloring (with the exception of your hands & feet, they were blue). I love you toes best they are so long, as are your fingers...


well july 19th came & went but you still haven't made an appearance. So here we are on the morning of july 22nd...