The boys got their easter baskets this morning. Andrew was very excited but it took tyler a few minutes to wake up before he got into the excitement. Tyler left a carrot out for the bunny last night before he went to bed, this morning it was all gone except for one small bite. Both boys enjoyed what they found in their baskets. Tyler got markers, watercolors, paint brushes, glue, scissors, and stampers. There were wind up toys for the tub or the swimming pool and a baseball glove for playing outside this summer. Tyler got a book called Thomas comes to breakfast and he exclaimed "I have been waiting for this!" Andrew's basket had the movie Racing Stripes and a pop-up book. There were also wind up toys for the bath in Andrew's basket. There were matchbox cars and a stuffed bunny made of silky material.
After the boys undid their baskets they had an egg hunt in the living room & dining room. The eggs had candy and coins in them. Tyler was very good at finding most of them but Andrew enjoyed the few he got to first.